Overview of This Issue

We engage Ken & Mary Okoroafor & Oli O'Donoghue to talk all things about money & financial independence.

It is packed full of 128 pages of our Experience, our Exposure & our Expression covering Mindset, Wellness, Health, Faith, Business, Money & Politics.

What's Inside This Issue

  • Ken & Mary Okoroafor

As the cost of living crisis goes from emerging to a full blown one, it is likely that cost cutting alone won’t cut it.

We may need to create additional sources of income as well as look at ways to cut back. We introduce you to a couple who will help you do just that.

Check out their story in our interview with them.

  • Oli O'Donoghue

We also provide valuable content from a senior banking professional about what to do and how to navigate these interesting times while, not forgetting diversity and inclusion and, importantly, black wealth creation.

  • Kemi Badenock

We look at the life and political journey of the woman that would be prime minister and explore her politics, her quotes and ask whether she could be our first Black Prime Minister.

  • 10 Products to follow

We introduce you to another 10 people to follow. 10 people who are making great strides and doing us proud.

  • 10 Products to Buy & Try

Here are another 10 Products that you will want to buy & to try. We share what they are, who’s behind it, how much & where you can get it.

  • 10 Pages to Read

Fiction, non-fiction, personal or strictly business, here are another 10 to provide you with exposure & expand your thinking.

  • 10 Pages to Savour

We present a great range of foods for you to get lost in a whole range of flavours, tastes & delights.

  • 10 Podcasts to Listen

Choose your flavour and then get lost in a whole range of engaging topics & discussions.

  • 10 Programmes to Watch

Whether you love to watch films or TV series we present an engaging range to watch & get your popcorn fix on.

  • 10 Places to go

To celebrate Jamaica @ 60, we look at some places that we know you will love to visit while on the ‘land of wood & water'.

  • Mindset - 4 Ways to get a Pay Rise

With rates of pay having been stagnant for such a long time, Alex Gordon provides you with 4 important things to consider when you are asking for a payrise.

  • Wellness - The Incredible Impact of Nurturing

If you desire to be a money magnet Dr Philippe Douyan MD suggests that it starts by taking charge of your brain, renewing your mind, and developing your money mindset.

  • Faith - Unshakeable: Navigating Challenging Times

The last two years or so have been challenging, to say the least. Brexit, George Floyd and COVID are just a few of the challenges that we’ve had to navigate. Denis Wade encourages us about getting through it all and being unshakeable.

  • Business - Spring Loaded: Crisis Solutions or Half Measures?

David Fredericks takes us on a journey through Rishi Sunak’s last budget as Chancellor of the Exchequer, before his quest to be Prime Minister. Is it still fit for purpose or will the new Prime Minister have a different approach?

  • Money - Create, Grow & Secure Your Nest Egg

In an economic downturn the last thing that we’re usually thinking about is retirement planning. However Sharon Wint-Gordon & Bevan Wint outline 3 ingredients to hatch a nest egg and 3 areas to unscramble it.

  • Politics - Kemi Badenoch: Our First Black Prime Minister?

In July, our political landscape got upended like never before with an avalanche of resignations that forced Boris Johnson’s own resignation. Colin Tomlin charts the life of one of the leadership contenders and asks whether her ambition to be Prime Minister is still valid.

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Get this Issue for ONLY £3.99


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all about Celebrating us, Cheering us on & Challenging us to be our very best

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