Overview of This Issue

The Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE cover story issue to celebrate International Women's Day & Mother's Day 2022.

It is packed full of 120 pages of our Experience, our Exposure & our Expression covering Mindset, Wellness, Health, Faith, Business, Finance & Politics.

What's Inside This Issue

  • On The Scene

We highlight some of our best who were honoured in the Queen’s New Year Honours List.

  • Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE

We celebrate the incredible contribution that Dr Yvonne has made to the UK. Once you read her story you will concur that she is truly the UK’s Black First Lady.

  • 10 People to Follow

This Black History Month we share our thoughts on 10 People who we think you should follow and why.

  • 10 People to follow

We introduce you to another 10 people to follow. 10 people who are making great strides and doing us proud.

  • 10 Products to buy & try

Here are another 10 Products that you will want to buy & to try. We share what they are, who’s behind it, how much & where you can get it.

  • 10 Pages to read or listen

Ficion, non-fiction, personal or strictly business, here are another 10 to provide you with exposure & expand your thinking.

  • 10 Pages to read or listen

Fiction, non-fiction, personal or strictly business, here are another 10 to provide you with exposure & expand your thinking.Choose your flavour and then get lost in a whole range of engaging topics & discussions.

  • 10 Podcasts to listen

Choose your flavour and then get lost in a whole range of engaging topics & discussions.

  • Mindset - 5 Ways to Build Your Confident Voice

Alex Gordon provides you with a blueprint to get comfortable while putting your message out there.

  • Mindset - Reset [Ctrl+ Alt + Delete]

Applying a computer hack that he learned back in the day Colin Tomlin shares how you can apply to your life and business this year.

  • Wellness - The Incredible Impact of Nurturing

Dr Philippe Douyan MD shares the impact on nurturing & how what you give the focus of your attention to impact your brain and life.

  • Health - Eat Yourself Healthy

Stella Kennard gives you a run down of what you should have in your kitchen cupboards and fridge this year and what it will do for you.

  • Faith - These 3 Words

There are 3 words that you must focus on this year if you want it to be your gamechanger year. Colin Tomlin opens the lid on these words and how they will make you get stuff done.

  • Business - New Business Beginnings

Judy Tomlin draws from her experience in enterprise and education and shares tips on getting a gold star in your business.

  • Economics - About Black Economics

Dawn Grant introduces the idea of Black Economics and why buying Black is key to buying back the economic equity that will be the foundation of a better future.

  • Finance - Fix Your Money

Sharon Wint-Gordon outlines a great strategy that you can put into action immediately if you want to reset, refocus & realign your finances.

  • Education - Post Pandemic Perspectives in Education

Judy Lynch Tomlin takes us on a journey of our relationship with the UK’s schools, exploring what it means for the future of our children’s learning and development.

  • Politics - Boris, the Benny Hill or the Churchill of British Politics

Dr Floyd Millen expertly guides us through a story of intrigue where Boris Johnson bounces from one crisis to another seemingly unscathed and unbothered.

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all about Celebrating us, Cheering us on & Challenging us to be our very best

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