Welcome to Issue 11.

As always, we’re excited and extremely pleased to deliver another issue, celebrating, cheering and challenging you to be your very best!

Our cover story features the one and only Elizabeth Solaru who really is a champion of inclusive luxury while creating some of the most exclusive cakes on the planet through Elizabeth’s Cake Emporium. Make sure you read and watch the interview.

In our Business Profile, we introduce you to Shane Bowes, the CEO of PCU, one of the largest and oldest credit unions in the UK, started by his grandfather over 40 years ago. Again you’ll want to read and watch this interview.

Having heard about Advocacy Academy earlier this year, we were keen to highlight their work and as a result we’re introducing you to Princess Ashilokun, Associate Director of Communications as she tells us about her life, work and her passion for giving young people a voice.

Of course, we shine spotlights on 10 People to follow, 10 Products to buy & try and 10 Pages to read.

As the weather gets warmer and we’re spending more time outdoors in the evenings, we thought we’d introduce you to 10 beers from across African & Caribbean. We reckon they go really well with your jerks and stews. Who knows, you may even decide to book a trip and enjoy a few bottles in the country of origin. :)

A BiG THANK YOU for your support of the magazine as we shine a light on Black Enterprise & Professional Experience in the UK.

Love & Blessings,

Colin & Judy

READ Cover Story

Elizabeth Solaru

Champion of Inclusive Luxury

"I was born in the UK. My parents met and got married in the UK as students, then they had me, my brother, my sister.

And when I was about 10 or there about, we went back to Nigeria and that that was a culture shock because the only thing I remember very well was my tongue being on fire because the food was spicy.

I loved Nigeria in those days was completely different. It was more community focused, very much about the value of hard work. Striving for excellence was very, very deeply ingrained. My parents, in particular were very, very hard working..."

Business Profile

Shane Bowes

CEO, Pentecostal Credit Union

Who is Shane Bowes?

"OK, so Shane is a regular guy from South London and likes to hang out, chill out with his family in his spare time, go to the gym, go to church.

Professionally, I head up the team at the Pentecostal Credit Union, which is a community bank which provides financial services to Britain's Pentecostal faith community.

The Pentecostal Credit Union is a community bank which provides financial services to Britain's Pentecostal faith community. Now, as 98% of people who attend Pentecostal churches are of African and Caribbean heritage, we are primarily then, a major financial institution really serving Britain's Black African and Caribbean community..."

Professional Profile

Princess Ashilokun

Associate Director of Communications, Advocacy Academy

Who is Princess Ashilokun?

"As a spoken word poet for over 10 years now, and former university student campaigner, I have always used my words to reflect on and channel my advocacy for systemic socio-economic issues, which often impact the most marginalised groups.

I believe in using the power of collective action and empowered youth activism to serve as catalysts to dismantle systems of oppression.

I truly believe that in treating every individual like a world unto themselves, by positively impacting them, we have already started and continue to change the world..."

Spotlighting 10 People to follow

We spotlight 10 People to follow who are doing great things.

You'll love our list as we introduce you to some people you may not have known about...

Spotlighting 10 Products to buy

We spotlight 10 beers from across the African & Caribbean continents that you can get from your local supermarket.

Grab one or two. You may even end up booking a trip to enjoy it there.

Spotlighting 10 Pages to read

We spotlight 10 books to glean some wisdom and put into practice this year and beyond.

It could make all the difference this year...

Our Expressions


Colin Tomlin highlights 3 Ways to Plug into Purpose, Passion & Priorities.


David C Hall outlines 3 Ways to Support our Sisters (& not just during International Women’s Month).

Career Development

Ekua Cant asks Why are Black Women Missing in Leadership Globally?

Nicola Millington provides us with PR Strategies EVERY Entrepreneur Should Embrace For Business Success.

Morton Patterson shares 8 Ways to AVOID Leaving Money on the Table.

Subscribe NOW from only £1.99 per month & GET the current issue, previous issues & future issues thrown in.

SEE INSIDE Previous Issues

Mark Dalgety is on a mission engineering the spread of herbal teas across the globe. And he is making it happen.

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Lord Hastings is one of the most influential people in the UK, bending the power of the prosperous to the potential of the poor.

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Valerie Brandes loves to say that she is 'Just a Black Girl from Hackney.' However, she is so much more than that.

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The #Windrush75 Special Issue shares Dr Carlton Brown story & and that of a generation who made great contributions.

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In the Celebrating Our Sisters issue Michelle Gayle talks about her life, career & making a difference with a special project.

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Eric Collins shares about economic empowerment through business and why we don't need permission.

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We engage Ken & Mary Okoroafor & Oli O'Donoghue to talk all things about money & financial independence.

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The Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE cover story issue to celebrate International Womens & Mothers Day.

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The Dyke & Dryden cover story issue where we launch the magazine while we celebrate Black History Month 2021.

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all about Celebrating us, Cheering us on & Challenging us to be our very best

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